Presenting Partner

Acadia University
Wolfville, Nova Scotia
What programs are offered?
Acadia’s BA with Major in Theatre is a program offering two streams of study, Performance and Production. This program is designed for those wishing to receive a solid grounding in all aspects of theatre work, as well as professional advice and preparation. It is also designed for those choosing to take their training into other spheres, such as business, education, or any other professional discipline requiring poise and presentation skills. This program can take 4 years to complete.
Acadia offers the following program options:
Acadia offers two streams of study: Performance and Production. In the Performance stream, students focus on developing their skills on the stage. To learn more, please visit the website.
Acadia offers two streams of study: Performance and Production. In the Production stream, students focus on developing their skills behind the scenes. To learn more, please visit the website.
For those majoring in other disciplines at Acadia, this program also offers a Theatre Minor. To learn more, please visit Acadia’s website.
I came to Acadia Theatre quite young, didn’t know what to expect . . . It allowed me to explore, to be independent – but it also allowed me to do that with a level of security and of safety that is comforting – and comforting to my family. . . It gave me the springboard and the confidence to explore different qualities in myself, and believe in what I found. . .

What kinds of classes can I take?
The course introduces students to the integration and exploration of physical and emotional expression in the body, leading to a coherent original work.
This course teaches students how to apply critical discourse to text analysis, in a manner which reflects the practical needs and working etiquette of the professional theatre.
This course introduces students to unarmed and bladed techniques in the illusion of violence for performance, to an internationally recognized certification level.
This course explores ideas that have changed how societies think about and practice theatre, with a focus on their contemporary relevance.
This is in addition to four years of classes that focus on Performance and Production.

The most important thing in Theatre was developing a personal, one-on-one relationship with the profs – that’s what education is all about - that’s something you don’t get other places or at larger schools. It’s really the hallmark of an Acadia education, and what this place is all about. . . It is small, unique and one-of-a-kind. . . I finally realized that for Theatre training, bigger is NOT better.
Want to get involved with theatre life on campus?
Check out the Acadia Theatre Company!