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DramaFest 2021 is now over. See you next year at DramaFest 2022!
Kate Redding

Kate is a professional Equity Stage Manager, based in Halifax. She has worked with nearly all the professional theatre companies in Nova Scotia, including Neptune Theatre, Eastern Front Theatre, Mulgrave Road Theatre, Ship’s Company, LunaSea, Halifax Theatre for Young People, and Festival Antigonish. Summer 2019 was Kate’s fifth season with Shakespeare by the Sea, as Production Stage Manager. Kate has been involved with the process of bringing many Nova Scotian new works to stage, including Wizard of Oz, (SBTS), Lullaby, Inside the Halifax Explosion (EFT), Pinocchio (SBTS), The West Woods (Mulgrave), Creepy and Little Manson (EFT) and Diligent River Daughter (Ship’s). A love of travel has guided Kate to finding ways to work while seeing the world. Before COVID, she was preparing for her 12th (and first international) tour, to China with Mermaid Theatre. She has done numerous school tours with Neptune Theatre, and has recently toured with Tarragon Theatre and Theatre New Brunswick.