University of Toronto
The Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
Toronto, ON
What programs are offered?
The drama program at the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies provides students with an integrated set of critical and artistic skills through which to engage with broader intellectual, social, and political issues in the Humanities and beyond. Along with courses in theatre and performance theory and history, dramatic literature, dramaturgy, technology, and practice-based lab courses, the Centre offers introductory and advanced studio courses in acting, production, design, directing, and playwriting. The Digital Dramaturgy Lab (squared) (DDL) 2 and the newly founded BMO Lab in Creative Research in the Arts, Performance, Emerging Technologies and AI, with their international scope and interdisciplinary approach, present the students with a unique opportunity to develop projects exploring the use of new technologies in the context of the performing arts.
The drama program generally takes 4 years to complete.
Students can specialize in the following programs:
Completion requirements: 12 credits. To learn more, visit the U of T website.
Completion requirements: 4 credits. To learn more, visit the U of T website.

"The best part about the theatre program at the CDTPS is the warm and tight-knit community I have gotten to be a part of. Since the class sizes are small, I've been able to connect with professors and faculty, get hands-on support and build a community of close friends that share similar ambitions and interests!"
— Moyukh Syeed, Drama Major, 4th year
What kinds of classes can I take?
Emphasis is initially placed on ensemble, non-verbal, and improvisational work and students proceed to the application of their acquired skills to scripted material.
"The theatre program at the CDTPS is unique in that it blends the perfect balance of experiential and theoretical learning. In my years in the program, I was able to harness practical skills in playwriting, directing, and sound design from internationally recognized professionals, while also studying the history and theory of theatre from leading scholars in the field. Once I finished my undergrad and realized that I wanted to continue into graduate studies, returning to the CDTPS was a no-brainer." — Dan Petrenko, MA student & undergraduate alumnus

Want to get involved with theatre life on campus?
There are tons of opportunities to get involved in campus theatre!
Check out the Society of Undergraduate Drama Students (SUDS) and the University of Toronto Drama Coalition.
Students also have opportunities to get involved in the Hart House Drama Festival and the U of T Spotlight Playwriting Competition.